Want to find out what the Maine Dragon Boat Club is all about? Come along to this presentation and find out. They are starting their second year of paddling and they are encouraging the community to get involved in the Dragon Boat Club. The club president Sherri and participants will cover a brief history of the Dragon Boat Club as it starts its second season, talk about why they chose Maine to start the program and share the season’s schedule.
Attendees will have a chance to try out the paddling! So why not come along and find out about Dragon Boating. After all, it is the Chinese Year of the Dragon!
Thursday, May 23 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Norway Memorial Library
253 Main Street, Norway
FMI about this event: call the library at 743-5309 ext. 1
FMI about the Maine Dragon Boat Club: check out their Facebook page, website, email them at mainedragonboatclub@gmail.com or call (207) 890-7367.