Every Friday at 10:30 am Join us as we play and sing in a casual and fun atmosphere.
Adventures in Nonviolence with Rivera Sun In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day Saturday, January 13, 2024, 1:00 pm All ages welcome! Norway Library Children’s Room hosts a special event on nonviolence skills and peace literature. In this kid-friendly, intergenerational workshop, Sun will share skills for resolving conflict. Come play games and learn the […]
Morning Book Club January 16, 2024, 9:00 am Mrs. Plansky's Revenge by Spencer Quinn This book discussion is open to the public. There is no need to register. Attend in person at the library or remotely using Zoom. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85403744975?pwd=MG1yRG91bzYrbm80K0ltWXF3YmcyQT09
Every Tuesday starting at 10:30 am Play time for children (birth-age four) and their caregivers.
Every Friday at 10:30 am Join us as we play and sing in a casual and fun atmosphere.
Every Tuesday starting at 10:30 am Play time for children (birth-age four) and their caregivers.
Therapy Dog Visits for Teens Tuesdays, January 9 and 23, 2024, 2:00-3:00 pm Buck is an 11-year-old Brittany Spaniel who is a therapy dog. Animal therapy has been shown to […]
Cookbook Discussion Thursday, January 25, 2024, 10:30-11:30 am Enjoy a mid-morning break and sample fun retro baked goods! The cookbook selected is Baking Yesteryear: The Best Recipes from the 1900s […]
Every Friday at 10:30 am Join us as we play and sing in a casual and fun atmosphere.